Thursday, February 3, 2011

In Total Of 2 Mins A Duck On A Pond Paddles 22 M


(February 3, the day the music died )

... me!

The 7 also exist in the morning.

"You fell out of bed?", And Rafael Bosse ask me when they see me appear in the kitchen at 7 am (still in the house of horrors, exactly three months ago today): both are preparing to go to work and hour awake, I have never seen.

The week before, the same day when I was hired as a waiter, I took the ferry to go across the bay on the North Shore (as I like to rinse your mouth!), Home to the Most production companies, unbelievably gasandomi ( that little 'x as Ciapa el vaporeto' Venessia ... ), for fare un colloquio conoscitivo con l'agenzia di comparse, dopo che un amico dei Pan mi ha 'paraculato'.
Credevo che andare via dall'Italia significasse anche allontanarsi da certi meccanismi tipo 'amico di amici', invece questa cosa rimane vera anche qui, ed è tanto più vera, mi dicono, nell'industria televisiva.

Fare la comparsa è un modo come un altro per avvicinarmi al mondo della tv, ragione principe che mi ha spinto a venire a Vancouver, dove vengono girate molte produzioni (sia telefilm che film, attualmente, per esempio, Mission Impossible 4 ), per via del dollaro canadese più debole e della vicinanza col confine americano.

Come spesso mi accade la notte non ho dormito, as I set your alarm for me very soon: I must be on the set (always a matter of oral rinse) at 8.30. After 4 hours of sleep interrupted only by my own anxiety, not to hear the alarm (a Classicon), I headed to the location (colluttoriooo !!!), but that is Tinseltown, a shopping center in Chinatown that I attend when I go the movies (there's a multiplex on the third floor) and was 'hired' in toto for the occasion.

The show in question is Human target that, despite my passion for American TV, I did not know. I know what you're thinking, you replicate the issue The Rocky Horror Picture Show ... Sono davvero così appassionato, che non conosco 'na mazza ? Sì, ma non posso mica fare miracoli e poi sto diventando vecchio e la materia grigia si restringe.

Il primo pensiero che mi viene da fare una volta arrivato è che c'è la crisi a livello mondiale ma questi si permettono di noleggiare un centro commerciale intero (pagando, immagino, anche un fee ai vari negozi, che di certo quel giorno non hanno avuto clienti, pur essendo aperti) allestendolo con scenografie degne di un film a grosso budget (l'episodio è ambientato in un mall di San Francisco sotto Natale).
Figuriamoci come si buttavano via i soldi quando la crisi non c'era. La cosa che mi stupisce more, in fact, I have been called in a hurry last night, later, to 'replace' another appearance at the last gave packages. It seems a matter of life or death, so I decide to cancel my first day working as a waiter and a preference for experience on the set, a choice that has eventually paid financially, but I find that the extras are 300 and that I was there or not (I, like most others) would not have made any difference (I hope to be going right with verbs). How
find out later in other occasions when I happen to do so, in fact, we must type goose pate in a large hall and occasionally come to pick you for you to walk, or random position, behind the scenes. Luckily I have with me a copy of Entertainment Weekly , Mr! - Take new number tomorrow there is the challenge - now joke - here at home if they find one or two and if one, which of the two ... I know: fregometro ? - Or I fall into a deep sleep due to the few hours the night before.
This is, roughly, the "job" of pop.

that day between the actors of old series that I recognize people I only see myself, as a typical face of gum with eyes close, Mark Valley (obvious bassooo !!!), that was some old soap (it's useless to do pretend to be vague: The time of our lives , Italy 7).
I was all excited that not even Brad Pitt, but there is one of the extras that says, verbatim: "I do not recognize anyone, do not have the TV ," and I want to ask how long it is in analysis. For a second thought I realize that it is much better than me and maybe instead of being stuck inside too much sport on TV is because he has a super flat tummy. Then there is the
sapientino that tells you that he does not do it for money but for love but a second after you lists exactly how much you've earned up to that time, including overtime, as any Italian state.
After 8 hours, in fact, you are paid one and a half. After 12, the double, etc. Finisco per farne 17, stremato fino alle 2 di notte, e a guadagnare in pratica come metà affitto da Bill in un giorno solo (escluso il 15% che devo all'agenzia). Non male come prima esperienza! Ci sono lì persone che in quel momento della loro vita, tre giorni a settimana, fanno solo questo. Alla facciazza della crisi!
Sapientino dice che è il giorno più lungo che ha fatto finora e che se fosse così una volta alla settimana ci metterebbe la firma. È quello che penso anch'io e spero che durante il tempo a Vancouver abbia questa possibilità, ma succederà solo, ahimè, poche altre volte.

Quando l'episodio è andato in onda, poco prima di Natale, Francesco ed io mi abbiamo riconosciuto suffered by the bald head. For a closer look, you can also see that more and more stooped and even more in the square.
In the image, note that I am lowered into the part, but Stanislavsky, for pretending to speak with my table companion was counting fingers with American ... I also tried to send a message to Vanna lip until I framed But It Did not make the final cut .. Moreover, even Kevin Costner began his career as well: it was the suicide of friend The Big Chill in the film but if they see only his wrists because his part was cut during assembly.
Kodak Theatre wait! Here's the final scene

after 17 hours (1/Continua):


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