Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Do I Untag Myself From Messages On Facebook

Vanqisher e Cain

Salve a tutti!
Torniamo con un nuovo design, to be sure the design is not exactly new, it was created some years ago for the rib of the volumes of American Caim and then discarded. Although it was only a draft, we decided to take up, give it a clean up and then color it and here is the result.

The characters are the protagonists of our comic CAIM, Cain Vanqisher the blond and the dark. For those not familiar will send you the link of the site where you can get a bit 'of info. There are also some illustrations and tables in their stage of processing.
If you're curious go and check it out:

wanted to add that a friend of ours (Thanks Alep!) Pointed out to us that in November of this year fumettozzo in question is ten years old! Yes, the light came back in November 2000 and in view of this important anniversary we hope to invent something to commemorate!

said that we greet you warmly.
Good late summer to everyone! The

* Please do not use this artwork without our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *

Friday, September 10, 2010

Road Test In Wayne Nj


Hello dear,
are already three days it rains. Apparently, the fall begins to peep.
We are still working on some pictures and soon we will be able to add the blog in the character sheet character of the new story.
But for the moment we decided to delight you with some photos taken from the balcony of Ba '. Portray all, more or less the same subject (as the flat, Ba 'throw to the west) of the sunsets. You can see
su alcune di esse la collina dove poggia Perugia.
Le foto in questione vanno da maggio alla fine di agosto e a nostro parere meritavano di essere condivise.
A voi buona visione.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Highlights For Dark Skin


Rieccoci con un nuovo, inedito disegno.
Il tema è scottante e il disegno è un po’ crudo, per cui ci scusiamo in anticipo con tutti coloro che non apprezzano il genere. Sorry! m(_ _)m

Per il resto anche questi are two old people belonging to one of the early history that we have mentioned in previous post. This is Shane (on torture) and Naxyan (the torturer). The story to which they belonged was an ambitious (and adolescent) fantasy-political environment in which Shane was the protagonist and the antagonist Naxyan (obviously, with that face that could not be a bad XD)
The original story was basically straight (if you will ...) but these two already running at the time a strong homoerotic tension, for which it was virtually inevitable creargli a highly dysfunctional relationship as much as we do, in times less suspicious!
For anyone curious, there are more pictures of the two, postate sul nostro vecchio sito di cui inseriamo i link:

Questa immagine è stata realizzata molti anni fa, formato poster:

Questi due sono ritratti realizzati in acquarello di veramente taaanti e taaanti anni fa Probabilmente intorno al ‘93:

Ok, ed ora l’immagine incriminata:

Prima di salutarvi volevamo ricordare a tutti coloro che ci seguono che rispondiamo ai commenti direttamente sulla casella dei commenti. It is probably obvious or trivial, but we want to make it known! ^ _ ^

Good weekend to all! The

* Please do not use this artwork without Our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *