Friday, December 31, 2010

How Contagious Is Papilloma


In the frenzy of these celebrations, a small drawing the last minute to wish you all a Fantastic New Year!!

A presto, le vostre Peruggine! ^__^

* Please do not use this artwork without Our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bone Cancer Experience


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Drain Washing Machine To Yard

ho vinto !!!!!
ah ah !!! io continuo ad iscrivermi ai vari candy che trovo nei blog ..non riesco a resistere alla fine sono stata premiata ....ho vinto il Candy organizzato da Sylvia nel suo blog  Cucito Creativo  


Friday, December 24, 2010

Milena Velba Vs Denise Milani

Merry Christmas


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Disturbed Singer Piercing

tea time

 finita ed incorniciata la mia damina che sorseggia un bel te caldo caldo ....un regalo per la mia "vecchia"  amica   Susy che ha deciso di aprire una teeria..speriamo che li porti tanta fortuna !!!!!

Ringworm Under The Breast Area

Volume uno La Ghirlanda di Narcisi - Spade incrociate

Hello dear friends,
we are getting closer to Christmas and in fact this morning There is a first gift arrived, finally came the first volume of The Garland of Narcissus. We must say that it is a good book too thick and makes the cover very well, in short, on the whole we can be very satisfied!
For anyone curious and interested in buying you transcribe the link by entering the address of our current LuluShop here in our blog, we hope to enrich the coming months with new titles.

To buy the first volume:

all for now, we begin to anticipate the wishes of Merry Christmas to all!

kiss Peruggine

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What To Write In A Baby Card, Christian

Ancora un bellissimo omaggio per CAIM!

Hi! Already
all in Christmas mode? Not be difficult, given that city streets and shops are already decked out in mid November, or thereabouts. Anyway we'll wait a little longer before making the cards, very little, since next week is Christmas already!

But in the meantime we want to share with you another beautiful tribute that was made for the tenth anniversary of the beloved Sirius Caim (these are his blog, we suggest you go and visit: http://sirio-lc.blogspot. com - ) And since the dominant color is red - could not be otherwise since it is Caim ^ _ ^ - we can say that as a setting is also a little 'Christmas so there is more that good! Thanks a million Sirius-chan!

And, last but not least, with pride and even a hint of embarrassment, we indicate which arose Page Peruggine on Wikipedia, thanks to our tireless friends Perugia.

With this we salute you, but we hope to hear soon!
Reservoirs at all. The

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Does L- Arginine Do

La Ghirlanda di Narcisi - Primo libro

Good evening!
What can I say? We've (almost) done! To do what, you ask, but to make available the printed version of the first book of "The Garland of Narcissus" Lulu on the circuit!
For those who had no idea what we're talking "The Garland of Narcissus" is a historical narrative (obviously homoerotic) set in Italy in the fourteenth century, we wrote a few years ago in collaboration with our friend Leri.

maybe even hours, you're probably wondering why the beginning of this post is a little word bracketing that questions the actual reality of the thing, well, the point is that the volume is actually available on Lulu, but at present we are still waiting to receive a first print to make sure there are no errors and that everything is perfect, then we will re-news , complete with a link attached to anyone who wanted to have a copy.

Meanwhile Treat yourself to enjoy these gifts from our friend graph steel Alep. What had once masterfully interpreted the book covers the bilogia (yes, we know, is an anomalous term and maybe even exists, but is understandable, no?: P) Garland.

Alep Thanks!
What else? The Americans would say, Stay Tuned! That means stay tuned, you'll have more news soon! Baci

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Parts Of Columbus' Ship

Decennale CAIM - Aggiornamento

Here we are again for last-minute addition to the previous update. We received the new, much appreciated gifts for the tenth anniversary of CAIM we would like to share with you all. These are two fine
"cover" made from Aleppo (Here is the address of its rich site, please let us sailed a ->! Thanks again Ciccino one million, you are a graphic outstanding! (^ O ^)

And this is instead a delicious sponge cake filled with hazelnut cream and dusted with sweet cocoa, artfully decorated with the logo of CAIM. Also created by Alep (but how much patience it took you ???), buonaaa and wonderful .... (In fact they have not advanced practice. ^ ^)

We're two happy women, thanks for the support that has existed for many years we have provided, what would we do without you?? Kisses to all

The Peruggine

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Butter Equivalent For Shortening

Decennale CAIM

Good evening everyone! This update
vi abbiamo fatto attendere un pochino, ma speriamo ci perdonerete.
Volevamo portare a compimento un lavoretto per quella che è una commemorazione (per noi) importante e significativa.

Nel novembre 2000 vedeva la luce il primo volume della saga italiana di Caim e ad oggi, novembre 2010 Caim compie ben 10 anni! Non male vero? Insomma, dieci anni non sono pochi e il nostro fumettozzo ne ha fatta di strada, considerando che ha visto anche una sua traduzione in inglese grazie alla casa editrice americana Yaoi Press. In realtà era prevista pure l’edizione tedesca, visto che la casa editrice Wild Side ne ha comprato i diritti un paio di anni fa, ma il progetto deve essersi bloccato poiché da allora non ne abbiamo saputo più nothing. Too bad!

So to commemorate this little milestone, we decided to create a new image. Here it is, we hope you enjoy it. ^ _ ^

And to make matters worse, our beloved Alex Ciani (this is the link of his blog, where you'll find many of his works: /) gave us this wonderful gift, we'll post it with pride! Ciccino Thanks, we love you!

Thanks also to Aleppo, which, as we have said previously, we noted the recurrence, probably without him we would not even noticed!

A presto (promesso stavolta ^o^).
Le Peruggine

* Please do not use Our this artwork without permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ontario Drivers License Templates


Hi guys, sorry
the time it took us to do this new update, but between work and medical practice (nothing serious, do not worry), we had a little bit to do and we could not devote as we wanted our little blog.

Now we are here to present a preview of the stars of the new historical narrative that we are writing with our friend Leri. After the "Garland of Narcissus" which had a large following and much appreciation, we picked up a pen and paper (actually it's all written with the PC keyboard, but it was much more archaic figure to speak in terms ...: P) and enthusiasm, we created a new environment.

The story, which still has no official title, takes place during un periodo alquanto turbolento delle Crociate: il periodo del Saladino, di Riccardo Cuor di Leone, della rapida ascesa degli ordini religiosi cavallereschi, di quello dei Templari in particolare, che in maniera tanto fertile ha da sempre esaltato sceneggiatori, scrittori e storici.
Ma dato che non vogliamo fare anticipazioni di nessun tipo semplicemente passiamo a presentarvi i personaggi che, allo stesso livello dei loro predecessori Lapo e Vanni, dovranno affrontarne di cotte e di crude.

Lui è Learco Irio de’Guineldi, fiorentino, 21 anni all’inizio della storia. Per motivazioni che non stiamo certo qui a spiegare, altrimenti vi rovineremmo la futura lettura, diviene Uomo del Tempio con mansioni di scrivano e segretario (To understand the men of the time were men lay people, employed and paid by the Order to carry out tasks within tutor or mansio).

He Valente Tancredi, who was born in Assisi and became a Knight Templar at a very young age. He is 26 years at the beginning of the story and already a long military career, as you can guess by the scars on her face and body.

The writing of the story is still in it processes, have been written 34 chapters out of a total unknown for which there will be some time before to let you read, however, we held a show characters, we hope that their appearance there at least a little intrigue. Greetings to all

The Peruggine

* Please do not use this artwork without our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we don’t bite. ;) *

*Per favore non utilizzate I nostri lavori senza permesso. Chiedete prima! Grazie, non mordiamo. ;) *

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Do I Untag Myself From Messages On Facebook

Vanqisher e Cain

Salve a tutti!
Torniamo con un nuovo design, to be sure the design is not exactly new, it was created some years ago for the rib of the volumes of American Caim and then discarded. Although it was only a draft, we decided to take up, give it a clean up and then color it and here is the result.

The characters are the protagonists of our comic CAIM, Cain Vanqisher the blond and the dark. For those not familiar will send you the link of the site where you can get a bit 'of info. There are also some illustrations and tables in their stage of processing.
If you're curious go and check it out:

wanted to add that a friend of ours (Thanks Alep!) Pointed out to us that in November of this year fumettozzo in question is ten years old! Yes, the light came back in November 2000 and in view of this important anniversary we hope to invent something to commemorate!

said that we greet you warmly.
Good late summer to everyone! The

* Please do not use this artwork without our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *

Friday, September 10, 2010

Road Test In Wayne Nj


Hello dear,
are already three days it rains. Apparently, the fall begins to peep.
We are still working on some pictures and soon we will be able to add the blog in the character sheet character of the new story.
But for the moment we decided to delight you with some photos taken from the balcony of Ba '. Portray all, more or less the same subject (as the flat, Ba 'throw to the west) of the sunsets. You can see
su alcune di esse la collina dove poggia Perugia.
Le foto in questione vanno da maggio alla fine di agosto e a nostro parere meritavano di essere condivise.
A voi buona visione.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Highlights For Dark Skin


Rieccoci con un nuovo, inedito disegno.
Il tema è scottante e il disegno è un po’ crudo, per cui ci scusiamo in anticipo con tutti coloro che non apprezzano il genere. Sorry! m(_ _)m

Per il resto anche questi are two old people belonging to one of the early history that we have mentioned in previous post. This is Shane (on torture) and Naxyan (the torturer). The story to which they belonged was an ambitious (and adolescent) fantasy-political environment in which Shane was the protagonist and the antagonist Naxyan (obviously, with that face that could not be a bad XD)
The original story was basically straight (if you will ...) but these two already running at the time a strong homoerotic tension, for which it was virtually inevitable creargli a highly dysfunctional relationship as much as we do, in times less suspicious!
For anyone curious, there are more pictures of the two, postate sul nostro vecchio sito di cui inseriamo i link:

Questa immagine è stata realizzata molti anni fa, formato poster:

Questi due sono ritratti realizzati in acquarello di veramente taaanti e taaanti anni fa Probabilmente intorno al ‘93:

Ok, ed ora l’immagine incriminata:

Prima di salutarvi volevamo ricordare a tutti coloro che ci seguono che rispondiamo ai commenti direttamente sulla casella dei commenti. It is probably obvious or trivial, but we want to make it known! ^ _ ^

Good weekend to all! The

* Please do not use this artwork without Our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where To Get Maternity Pads


Good evening everyone!

finally managed to pull a bit 'breath (artistically speaking) luuuuungo after a period of absence. Who knows us for some time you will certainly realize that a life that was not posted on the Internet is nothing new, well, we hope to leave behind the funeral, after all the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this blog is born of the desire released from ' apathy in which, slowly, we were falling. So

new input, new ideas, new goals.

We dance in different things, some have yet to be realized at all, others need only be in place and more are almost ready to be shown. Tonight we start with a sketch, drawn-time ago, but finally cleaned up ad hoc to be exhibited to the world!

The characters in question are Naqes (pronounced Naches) and Lairan (pronounced lèiran).
Naqes is the little chap on the left, looking from uke, for the curiosity of those who follow us is a modernized reworking of an archaic character, created at the dawn of our artistic collaboration in the field of the original story (before we were all in the fandom). Additional curiosity: the archaic character of which we speak is also the prototype for Vanqisher, co-star of Caim. In short, reinterpreted as I could. XD This makes you understand how much we loved (and what still we love)!
Lairan instead is originally part of the second ancient history (always started when we were teenagers and never completed), we are particularly related to him. A first-class scoundrel heartthrob! :)
We also created a story for them, even though they probably will never have a way to achieve it. However, there are several drawings that portray them together, even with the third character that was part of the threesome concocted for them. There will be no way to present it later!

Ok, it's all for now, but ... STAY TUNED! : D The


PS: We wanted to greet all our friends who have returned from their holidays! Happy to recover with us! ^ __ ^

* Please do not use this artwork without Our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kate's Playground Masterbates



This is a period famous for the splendor of the sky and the sighting of falling stars. Like every year, there was the chance to admire the spectacular phenomenon of impact with the atmosphere of an ancient comet tail increased in the area of \u200b\u200bsky near the constellation Perseus, and we were prepared to pay him just last night to admire.

Unfortunately in the afternoon the clouds that have accumulated not bode well, but we optimistically, we decided to climb up and groped (by car, of course) on nearby Mount Subasio (note for non-Umbrian: Mount Subasio is part of the Apennines and the mound under which lies Assisi). Of course, not trusting to engage winding roads through the woods at night we are satisfied to move towards the Rocca Maggiore Assisi, the fascinating ruins of a medieval castle that rises above the town of San Francesco. Before leaving, we wanted a healthy evening snack made from french fries and ketchup and half arvoltolo (note for non-Umbria: the arvoltolo is a disk of fried dough covered with sugar or Nutella for the sweet tooth) and then we went boldly to their final destination. Meanwhile, fortunately the sky was beginning a bit 'to lighten.
After walking the narrow streets of the famous town of Assisi, we finally reached the road, no less tortuous, leading to the fortress and then we had parked the car, some to be pushed high enough. Contrary to our hopes were not high enough and we had to toil more than a little to reach the summit and discover that at the end:
1) there was a lot of people! << Ma che ci fanno qui? Boh, forse per vedere le stelle come noi. >>
2) there was a lot of light coming from the city below. << Cavoli, il cielo si vede a stento. >>
3) the Rock was right on the line of sight of the Perseids. << Fantastico, non si vedrà un tubo. >>
4) was the municipal police. << Mi scusi agente, ma che succede?>> << Ci sono i fuochi d’artificio. >> << Ah. >>

Moral of the story? We saw a total of five shooting stars, little sbiaditelle and in return we enjoyed a beautiful fireworks display in the front row and the sight of Assisi at night which is always uno spettacolo suggestivo.

Duomo di San Rufino di Assisi:

Baci dalle Peruggine

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Best Epilator For Underarms

reviews CAIM

Ciao Gente!
Aggiornamento velocissimo (questi giorni davvero non riusciamo a combinare niente >_ < ) per segnalarvi un paio di recensioni che sono state fatte su CAIM, il nostro vecchio fumettozzo, sbarcato qualche anno fa negli STATES.

Qui i link:

Cain Volume 1:
Cain Volume 2:
Cain Volume 3:

Vi avvertiamo che le recensioni in questione sono solo in lingua inglese… ^ ^;; However what he wrote of CAIM this person has made us very happy! ^ __ ^

Happy August to all forward to hearing from you soon! The

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What Do Warts Look Like When They Are Dying

prohibited to minors!

Good Sunday to all!
As you have seen we have finally set the blog as "inclusive adult material", but in fact we have not added anything like that, but we will soon! : D

Meanwhile, for anyone writing LAUNCHcast Gallery also wanted to bring to your attention this lovely illustration of Grinning Iguana, our little children Kyrl Rea and not that long resume in hand.

Having broken for months the adventures of Star Wars there was more opportunity to continue, unfortunately, we must say that we lack a lot and so we are doubly grateful for the wonderful gift that has made us Grinning Iguana!
Thanks so much dear! You're great!

Recently we started to watch Heroes, the show, we had discontinued a few years ago and finally we managed to "meddle". Although it has always been reluctant to incest stories we have to admit that Nathan and Peter are a little 'change your mind! XD Okay ... No Slash can not this show that much (except of the two brothers, in fact), nevertheless there is recapturing how did the first time. Yesterday, despite all the commitments of this world (and there are many: /), we shoot seven episodes in a row. We
bad! Kisses to all

The Peruggine