Monday, January 31, 2011

Custom License Plates Ontario Ideas


January 31, days of the mer (d) the (very cold here)

THEME: The gift that I received

Francis, a witness of my passion for the Christmas whiskey (see photo from Vicenza in a conversation skype on the evening before), gave me a bottle of bourbon (which, like the first, a Christmas gift the hosts, I quickly consumed to keep me, um, company, during the cold Canadian nights). (By the way the bourbon is nothing but the whiskey produced in the U.S.: thanks for always wikipedia!).

Unwittingly it (after all, life is not a movie?) On the very day of my birthday I received by the father, the wire (the magazine Dal Sasso family, not us five, but that the enlarged one generation to rise, and wanting to go down two) for Christmas (which I wrote myself).
The other day I started to make pop ( work on which I am trying to write for weeks but it's so full of anecdotes that do not know where to start: I had a creative block, for what I have been remiss in writing in this month, and this, my dear 25 readers, I apologize). On the set we get bored and I read from the port (I make friends easily). I was surrounded by other extras in the sacristy of a church in which he turned the scene of a funeral, but alienated from everything and everyone, move me to read poems dedicated to his grandfather's father John, or see the photo in black and white of my the day of their marriage.

The Vanna and Philip sent me a beautiful shirt, with a historical phrase that we carry with us since high school, and eternal image of the Peanuts always coordinated with the latest blog post. The envelope, always carried by man Ups (a little 'one of my personal Mario Big Brother here in Vancouver) also contained two items I have always been the aspiration of the two sticks Creamy ( sort of: the n 2. ... made of wool!).
I will not be happy anyway until I the ultimate gift: the USB stick shaped like a wand No 1!
I forgot to add, speaking of Peanuts, which also Gujo, quando son partito per New York, mi ha regalato un libro di Snoopy e Co. (con un titolo da tagliamoci le balle e giochiamoci a golf , ma pensato "per quando, al di là dell'Oceano, sentirai un po' di nostalgia").

Diego mi ha portato un biglietto ( by the way , l'interno continua: …but I didn't know your size ) molto carino, scritto in un italiano maccheronico e per questo tenero, in cui mi offre una cena insieme.

Julia mi ha promesso, con un divertente foglio che prova a indovinare la copertina, di regalarmi il numero seguente di Entertainment Weekly , la mia rivista preferita, bibbia per me di tutto ciò che è pop culture (at the Vanna said, "The one you ga regaeà fojo de paper? Mmm, the dams that I Fasso el February 13th ..." ).
Now, my obsession EW is such that every Friday I go on a mission in the only store in town where he arrived on time (which is never read it one day late on the release date! Like the film, I see the same day they arrive in the room!).
Last Friday, however, moments of panic: I was right with Julia around downtown and the Market Place in this week (all dedicated to the Oscars, true, living matter!) Had not yet arrived! A nightmare come true! Since
both that day had nothing to do, Julia has had the bright idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to the airport, which is easily reached in half an hour with the skytrain to see if they had arrived there since I know from experience that in a city or Market Place is to , or is not there. So we missed the afternoon chasing my obsession, but among the brown bears, keychain-shirt with the maple leaf, the airport there was no sign of the new copy of Entertainment Weekly : there was only the old one! In addition to mocking the damage! I nearly wrecked everything from anger and disappointment.

the evening Julia and I (obviously it was our day) we went to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show .


Earlier this month, also Anna and Mario have made over the years.

We have celebrated a beautiful evening at the home of Marta, one of their children.
snowing outside, I drank whiskey , Anna and while holding his hand, looking at him in silent admiration, giving us a picture of a beautiful couple that is the envy of the world and that you feel sorry for the other , Mario us told how, during his twenties, he had literally made ajo: a pilot (risking their lives in the skies over Vicenza to practice on a mission off the east coast africana per andare alle isole nonsopiùcosa a vedere gli unici esemplari giganti al mondo di nonsopiùche , in un incidente che lo ha lasciato mesi in ospedale come Hemingway da giovane e da allora con una gamba malandata), a sommozzatore, fino a ideare uno dei primi villaggi vacanze in Sardegna.
Mi ha ricordato un giovane Gianni Agnelli che, prima di mettere la testa a posto e dedicarsi alla conduzione della Fiat sotto la guida dell'ingegner Valletta, ha vissuto anni rocamboleschi in Costa Azzurra (ed è stato, fra l'altro, vittima di un incidente d'auto che lo ha reso claudicante a vita).

Stavo per compiere 33 anni: alla mia età Mario, dopo tutto ciò, in un'epoca di possibilità infinitely small, he put his head in place, met the woman of his life, we would have 3 children, and years later would sarato cabin and puppets and start all over here (to write his memoirs, but a blog from Canada) ...

My adventures simply turn the whole city in the throes of lust to find the latest issue of my newsletter favorite (I repeat: 33), just like a child who did not find the Corrierino newsstand or cry because it's over the Nutella.
I thought of all this by growing melancholy ' Ouzo and whiskey (or was BURBON ?) As we walked back home in the snow with his head in the sweet memory of Anna and Mario are holding hands.

Meanwhile, as I write, it's Monday night and are 4 days that I am without my newspaper.
I'm going to head away, like a junkie in withdrawal!


In unrelated news : was published my first article on the web.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Average Cost For A Flowered Mandap

Addio Y!Gallery????

Good evening to all,

are pretty sad these days: LAUNCHcast Gallery (a community's YAOI art to which we have shown for years now) is going through times of great instability, it would seem that current managers have difficulty finding an administrator who can carry out site maintenance, is an expert in certain types of programs that we had never even heard of, or Debian Linux and MD SoftRAID . If you can not find this LAUNCHcast Gallery Administrator may close permanently its doors on February 14! The thing we are very sorry, not only because it was a place to put in a lot of our pigs (ahem) that we have not otherwise disclosed on the web, but also because we found nice people to exchange a few words from time to time and many new artists that plunder from beautiful images. He was also a point of contact with some Italian friends who otherwise would feel very rarely. In a few words to us would be a great loss, considering that it was a bit 'our virtual home, and since there are other stores like this, a similar size, and where they can post pictures yaoi only complaints we would feel no need for a some 'orphan! Unfortunately non possiamo far altro che tenere incrociate le dita e sperare che in qualche modo questo amministratore salti fuori prima della chiusura del sito!

Detto questo passiamo a farvi notare che abbiamo (finalmente) inserito i banner del nostro sito e di siti amici, chiunque fosse interessato ad uno scambio di banner non ha che da chiedere, saremo liete di fare e farci fare un po’ di pubblicità!

E per addolcire ulteriormente questo post dall’inizio un po’ amaro inseriamo un’immagine che abbiamo realizzato per Natale per il nostro Gekino !! Si tratta di June, partner femminile di Tetsuya il pilota del Grande Mazinga. Se non avete idea di chi sia allora you're really young! ^ __ ^

Enjoy it!

The Peruggine

* Please do not use this artwork without Our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When Do You Start Seeing Results From Zumba


La settimana scorsa ho compiuto 33 anni, gli anni di Cristo quando è morto (che poi è morto a 33 e mezzo, dato che li compie a Natale e muore intorno a Pasqua, no? Forse ce lo spiegherà meglio Gujo quando arriverà al Nuovo Testamento).

Il giorno del mio compleanno è durato quest'anno 33 ore, come gli anni (anche se, come dice sempre il papà, dato che si compiono gli anni, si entra nell'anno successivo, il che deprime sempre tutti, perché ti fa sentire immediatamente ancora più vecchio), perché per me idealmente iniziato alla mezzanotte italiana, le 3 di pomeriggio qui. Il 17 pomeriggio l'ho passato in Skype con Dalsino e Gujo (come dimostra l'azzeccatissima foto), mentre il giorno effettivo l'ho passato lavorando, al negozio di vestiti.

Quando sono arrivato a casa Julia e Bosse l'avevano addobbata fin da fuori con palloncini e nastri, una vera sorpresa, creandomi anche un trono. Non mi son neanche messo a spiegare loro, in tempi di scandali nazional-popolari legati a un certo mondo trash della tv, (“Nessuno capisce come mai tutti si lamentino eppure lui è sempre al potere...”, mi ha detto l'altro giorno una prof. dell'università di qui: già, come mai? Non sapevo cosa risponderle...) che così mi sentivo un tronista di Maria De Filippi...
Julia had also prepared a delicious German cake, which is half jelly Diego, Inspector Clouseau Noantri , the only real friend, aside from my roommates, I've met so far in Vancouver.
I also received gifts (1/continua).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Halloween Tombstone Funny Quote

Jardin Privé - Au Coeur de la Maison -

un'altro sal   in partenza ....  Iulia nel suo  blog la matassina rossa   ha fatto una proposta
ricamiamo insieme ??    lo schema mi è piaciuto ..potrebbe diventare un cuscino per il mio divano rosso o un "centro" da appoggiare sulla nuova mega radio del marito...vedremo ......
queste le tappe ....
1 tappa - 24 gennaio al 6 febbraio
2 tappa - 7 febbraio al 20 febbraio
3 tappa - 21 febbraio al 6 marzo
4 tappa -  7 marzo al 20 marzo

..intanto partiamo .....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Moss Rock Retaining Wall

finished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally managed to find time to frame my two jobs and are now just finished !!!!!

Sal Madame la Fee

two forums

This is the first that I joined Sal ... even when I had no idea it was a Sal and I started sitting in on holiday in Elba a beautiful terrace overlooking the sea !!!!!!
Bent Creek

here I started the months ticked Bent Creek

Friday, January 21, 2011

Where To Buy Maternity Pads

Disegni: Majin-Bu X Piccolo

Hello World!

What started in 2011? Let's hope so for all of you. At the moment we are working on different kinds of illustrations as well as move forward with the Templars tell you that we had mentioned long ago. A month therefore quite messy, so we have not had much opportunity to update the blog more frequently.

When we wanted to offer an image that we made at the request of Grinningiguana a fanart Dragonball whose protagonists Majin-Bu and the poor little, very abused!

For anyone writing also LAUNCHcast Gallery, in the section of our work will find the same image but with a different background in the color effect, not knowing what was the best we've decided to include them both, even our client did not know how to choose.

What else? For those who like the genre, good vision and soon, with other designs and other innovations.

The scene takes place inside Majin-Bu (anyone who knows the series of Dragonball understand what we mean ^ _ ^)

soon Peruggine The

* Please do not use this artwork without Our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite.;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite.;) *

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rate Of Respiration In Mammals

... all ready for begin this work ..... . huge ..... "fault" Raffaella ... that my friend convinced me to start this business .... for Christmas which will be ready ????......

meanwhile look to get their first crosses .....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Richdel Sprinkler Valve How It Works

I stole it questa foto ad un' amica   che l'ha pubblicata su face ....e me ne sono innamorata....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Playas Desnuditas Free


It was a dark and stormy Christmas night. ..

We all have a friend who changes us forever, unexpectedly. It happens more often than not in that wonderful age where you feel as if life in geological time, you know everything, you seem to have the world in his hands, and believe that great gap: adolescence. My

, in addition to Vanna, called Pier, has arrived in our class (of Vanna and mine) when I was 16 and taught me and sent me many things that have shaped.
Among these is the reading of Peanuts by Charles Shultz.

Of course I knew already; Vancimuglio I was also a subscriber to the monthly Snoopy for a year, when he appeared on newsstands in the second half of the 80s (all Snoopy Snoopy-read the falcons! ), but I was too young to fully understand the complexity and layering of sociological Linus (Pier) and his blanket, Lucy (the Vanna), Charlie Brown (I) and the other Peanuts, the mirror of the 'American way of life, and broken dreams of boom generation. Needless
that I speak, you already bothered the likes of Umberto Eco.

Pier introduced me to this, through booklets BUR he had at home and in the fall of '94, we exchanged in class as if they were an illegal substance to be missed.

Since then much water has passed sotto i ponti, l'adolescenza è finita e ha lasciato il posto alla realtà, Pier non fa più parte della mia vita, ma i Peanuts restano: ne ho fatto io stesso una mia eredità personale che ho passato, a mia volta, ad altri amici.

( Dalsino mi ha regalato una spilla di Snoopy, alla mia partenza per il Canada, e proprio oggi lui è partito per l'Erasmus in Svezia: buon viaggio, fratellino!).

I Peanuts sono spesso protagonisti dei regali che porto a casa (il merchandising a loro legato è uno dei più prolifici della storia delle licenze commerciali) e anche a Natale, tramite Babbo Pan , ho fatto pervenire Vanna in the Vicenza Moleskine a limited edition published for their 60 years.

During the recent holidays, with a skypata Gujo, he, who can not keep a Cecil in his mouth and is to keep secrets like Silvio is communism, show me the Christmas present that I took and I expected in Italy: what? But my good readers Sherlock: The Moleskine concerned.

On 31 December, five minutes from midnight Italian, comes camietto Famous' UPS now in effect one of the protagonists of this blog, to bring a parcel for me. Scrap the present: is the Moleskine 'friendship', Gujo and now I think he sent me in the meantime, repenting of the unveiling. But then I saw the postmark is prior to our conversation via Skype , in which I had seen her on cam (such as testimony by the Red Brigades) and then I see that there is a ticket ... and Rob, and Jimmy had the same thought!

Now I have two (an even virtually). After thanking him and the opportunity to have done their best wishes, write it in Gujo, I said: "We made the mold ...
I think that is true, and even now that you have passed the geological ages, when once would have immediately recognized the handwriting on the envelope fraccosa Rob (the of domestic ticket), I assume that instead of writing I did not recognize either of Helen. Now even my friends have a wife and one of them becomes the protagonist of an act so typical of a married couple, such as the delegate to go in the mail.
emphasize that Rob gave me my first Moleskine , the fineness of the sticker with the words changed, and that in a space-time coordinates worth Back to the future (when he was sent not know) the image of Charlie Brown and friends around the tree is the same that I've entered in one of my Christmas post.
should also be noted that, alas, poor Frank, I have not done the chocolate on the eve (the Ciobar is not marketed in Canada).

I am aware also, and honor me at the same time, the Moleskine is the quintessential symbol of travel literature, brought to fame by Bruce Chatwin, who wrote down his notes.

I'm going I immediately wrote my resolutions for 2011.

Schwarzkopf Prodoucts To Buy

Swap scambio di ditali foto

mi sono iscritta ad uno swap ....questo è un  piccolo swap.....quelli troppo impegnativi basta questo mi piace ....anche perchè l'ho proposto io
....tutto nasce dalla mia nuova collezione di ditali ....collezione iniziata solo un annetto fà che sta procedendo alla grande ...anche grazie alle amiche che mi portano i ditali dalle loro vacanze a cui si aggiungono quelli che ogni tanto mi compro su ebay o quando sono in giro ....mi interessano tutti ......da quelli molto belli e elegant than the symbol of the city or those a bit "ugly" but funny ..
.... sooner or later they will photograph ....
.... for now participate in this swap involving the exchange of a thimble, combined with a pincushion ....

PS: the swap is a game that involves an exchange between two people .... there is usually at least one handmade ...
and your combination is not usually the same one that will send you his work ... and exchange among many Swappin .....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tech Deck Birthday Invitation

first spreaders of 2011

... new year ... new sal ..... Sal I hate Dirty words with the forum un arcobaleno di crocette

ecco la 1° TAPPA

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Interesting Facts About Tay Sachs Disease


After witnessing the Polar Bear Swim , or what was left of it, this afternoon we went to walk home along the perimeter of the southern part of downtown, on the water, another of the paths to do , who always saw the inside of the skytrain but in fact I had never done.
So I was very happy at the end of the day, to have achieved two of my want of things to do in Vancouver, I would say a classic case of killing two birds with one stone.

was the first year, I remember, a day traditionally dedicated to the path sofa bed, sofa bed, as allegedly was doing Bosse at home, given the general post-revelry were the day before.
However, almost not deny their reputation of people in lycra, we have met along the way they ran vancouveriani (pazzi!!), Skating, playing hockey or tennis on the playgrounds along the pedestrian trail, paddle, had bikes. ..

It made me think that perhaps I too had to make my New Year's Resolutions , the good intentions for 2011, which will build every year just to see them fail at about the middle of the second week of January.
Among these, every year more than those, which says a lot about my perseverance in bringing to an end (not to speak ill of others, eating better - one that says, Sister Germana at home should not be difficult ... -, Sleep only need the right - yes, well, of course ... - And stuff like philosophy: make all your dreams etc.), A general physical exercise you do.
See all this activity, the first day of the year, I certainly had incentive to get serious this time!

Towards the late afternoon we were honored from the sky of a sunset like that in here since 1987, accompanying the misfortunes and loves of the Forrester Beautiful the horizon from the window of their living room, so you expected to appear to see Stephanie go jogging in Vancouver at any moment.

All this walking has clearly tired. Just arrived a casa, quasi come in trance , il mio corpo si è mosso come una automa verso il letto, ha fatto tutto lui: sono caduto in un sonno profondo.
Altro che attività fisica: i miei buoni propositi, quest'anno, hanno battuto il record di brevità!


Nota sociologica: viviamo in un'era di informazioni digitali. Stiamo molte ore al davanti alla tv, a scrivere sul telefonino, al pc: spesso (io per primo) ce lo portiamo anche a letto.
Stasera ho notato che, su facebook , Francesco era stato taggato in una foto scattata ieri sera: era senza baffi. Mi sembrava strano: quando se li era tagliati?
Ho aperto la porta ed era là, Francis without a mustache.
I had been under my nose all day, and I also photographed many times, but he used the screen on a PC for me to become aware of the change.

No good.