Friday, March 11, 2011

How Long Do I Grow Eyebrows For Before Waxing?


Today I finished doing it again the clerk (or the store clerk, or piegamajete ) part-time (and thus I finished all my work here), from the beginning of December the work that has supported me more than others.
The store is located in an underground shopping mall in downtown, the Pacific Center (anonimissimo a place that could be anywhere on the continent) is a flagship brand Tristan , Canadian Headquartered in Montreal, fashionable men and women (Vanna's comment: who knows ... modeini ).

Before describing some 'my experience of these months, leaving those who initially introduced to the universal law: cotton set, sells jeans, just the enlightened Vanna, bring us back on the subject.
Here is an excerpt from his email to comment after the report of my first day at work: No
Dalsa, then: this shop is the dream of a lifetime! I think you do not pay overtime just to keep time with ciccioneiro, magrone and tufts!
I are committed to discover a world with fixed rules wherever you are:
- however you must always bored although it is not true;
- you'll have to complain if there is a lot of people is if there is too little;
- always pretending to be friendly and supportive to colleagues, giving them always right and meet that are destroyed when they say: always seems to work more tiring in the world ... and I say: Come on!
- the old collection will always be more beautiful than the one that comes to you, anyway!
- you must buy from the shops close for an entire group x;
- going out with colleagues and talking about work and say that they are better off in that store;
- the leader who comes from outside the area will still be an asshole / a;
- the clothes you put a rule that only you and only you will understand you will be fine;
- below the chest to make you love you always have few, to give to colleagues (type Haribo sweets , a classic).
Nothing, now put money away and I have come to know them live!
Unfortunately, Vanna was not concealed in the suitcase of Philip as a few hours I hoped and suspected, but what he said was then, with appropriate adaptations (donuts of Tim Horton's instead of Haribo ), naturally true.

Here, as the waiter, is the team 012 Benetton, which reflects the heterogeneous composition of non-nationals of the rest of Canada Vancouver: two Japanese (Including managers), a Filipino, two Indians, an Afghan, two Mexicans, one German, one English (and you're in a joke!), And 4 Canadian (with immigrant ancestors, just move up a generation!). And me. Among these, ciccioneiro, magrone and tufts (the latter in the photo).
I found myself well with everyone, I am fond of us, and them to me.

Even this work, again, as the waiter was a great exercise in learning vocabulary.
At first I was embarrassed and I could not respond well to customers, like the time I realized that a lady had asked me tais for women, believing he was referring to the ties (ties ), and I said "No, we do not, and I behind a wall of taits (tights) , ie tights. Over time I learned that
sequens are sequins, braids cables on wool sweaters, argyle is the diamond pattern, hoodies hooded sweatshirts are, but boyfriend jacket is a all-American concept that we do not exist (type jacket to him in college, but that puts her! Boh!).
Some words that seem invented by Massimo Boldi trying to speak English, are true ( liquidation really balances!).

must always enter into dialogue with the customer. My colleagues are always using phrases that sound quite false: "Oh, I love your umbrella !!!!" (??!!).
I tried myself at the beginning, we were at Christmas, and a lady was clearly recovering from a marathon shopping, full of parcels and Sacchettoni. So, just to say something, I do: "It looks like Pretty Woman" (referring to Julia Roberts walks filled with bags in hand). Fortunately that did not understand what I said and did not ask me to repeat: it would not be happy to know that I had just given the friend Silvio (unintentionally, of course, as half of what I say) ...

The hours, just as predicted the Vanna, never pass. A bore e una stanchezza infinite (anche perché non ci si può sedere).
Ci sono vari modi per farsela passare. Diciamo che ho contribuito anch'io a introdurne di nuovi per vivacizzare le giornate:
- fare a gara per usare il vaporizzatore per stirare (una cosa nuova che ho imparato ad usare! Tutto serve...) che ovviamente con me diventa un microfono, e vai di karaoke.
- Va tanto giocare a memory cercando di rimettere al giusto posto i vestiti provati in camerino dai clienti. È arduo, perché gli stilisti di Tristan non hanno fantasia, e con la stessa stoffa fanno mille robe apparentemente uguali ma differenti per un nonnulla. Inoltre, le donne, che io non so mai consigliare (cliente: ma questo is a top or a dress? - Dalsa:?) Are full of a thousand strafanti for all occasions, so the pieces are multiplying. To make things even more interesting is that similar items are located in places distantissimi between them.
- I have a variant of my own that I can not tell if you take me for no fool (should not be so distant from reality) game to do when Mimi could not catch a ball of Russian national, who appeared unfocused and overwhelmed throwing ground. The coach said the bad with a beard: "Mimi, concentrated, close your eyes and then looks at the ball." So I close my eyes and focus the site they can come that particular garment. It always works! Anyway
explain it, you, in English, Mimi, to 012 Benetton !
- But that is the most popular pastime is (among) dress.
See last two photos.


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