In tutto ho fatto la comparsa 7 volte: 3 prima di Natale (vedi primi 3 post sull'argomento) e 4 volte a febbraio.
L'inverno rappresenta per l'industria televisiva americana una stagione riservata alla produzione di progetti pilota e di nuove serie che andranno in onda l'autunno successivo.
Tra i 4 ingaggi recenti c'erano:
- una serie tv in cui ho riconosciuto Michelle Forbes, an actress to me (and me alone, I fear) to note the dual role of Sonny and its evil twin (!) Solita trails in the late '80s;
- the pilot episode of a TV show starring Carrie-Anne Moss (here it should be a long period that sends air to every law subject, so take a breath: Moss owes its fame to Memento especially Matrix, you say .. . yeah, but I will say to me is Carrie Models Inc., spin-off of Melrose Place in turn spin-off of Beverly Hills 902010 ... Models may not see in Italy where one of the twelve referendum in 1995 had endangered the existence of the then Fininvest. A good friend of mine that had just age and his first experience of voting, and that we do not appoint - Vanna P., and V. Pertegato ... - Voted yes to secure the vision of the series! Here in short, the moral is that if there is Raiset Vanna's fault!)
- and, and this will agree with me that wins all the part of the concert audience applaudente Alvin & The Chipmunks in the new film based on the lucky (??!!) franchise.
is worth describing in more depth the remainder experience to the characteristic of the scene (and why was the only day that I wanted to take photos?): We shot on a green background.
This was the pilot of a new spin-off ( Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome ) Battlestar Galactica series , little known but very popular here in Italy: equal to Star Trek as a mythology, is set in the future, including star ships and armies.
The location was at the Vancouver Film Studios , which I have now recalled the industrial area near the Fiera di Vicenza (in the warehouses, the bridge and stream pollution).
When you turn the background Green most of the elements are added in post production thanks to computer-generated special effects (as in the case of the aforementioned film, Alvin and the Chipmunks singing, I really think that mica applauded three beavers true that sìgano ! ). In this case: futuristic computer desks, walls, giant video screens ...
It's like when you play mother house and it's all in your head (Here c 'was the kitchen! Here c' was the toilet! And so on ...).
sociological Note: I seemed to notice that, for the few hours that we have worn the uniform, as some were officers and other soldiers ( me, of course, a pore gero soldier '), was established as a kind of hierarchy dictated only by starring role (that is from clothing worn!).
seemed to be part of the prison social quell'esprimento brought to the big screen by the German film The experiment of 2001 or to be (a film in the movie!) In Wave , film of 2008, more German-based Another experiment carried out on a hierarchy in 1967 in California.
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