I swear is the last post on my experience as an extra!
few years ago I went to the cinema to see an American thriller that was partly filmed in front of the building where my father's office in North Vancouver. In the film, North Vancouver served as the "Boulder, Colorado, and the rest of the film Vancouver was also Seattle, Denver, New Orleans and some other cities, nessuna delle quali Vancouver.Douglas Coupland, City of Glass
Il fatto è che Vancouver può tranquillamente passare per qualsiasi città del Nord America, tranne forse quelle del Sud Ovest degli States, e Miami.
La leggenda vuole che da qualche parte in città ci sia un magazzino pieno solo di scatole di Seattle Post-Intelligencer , cartelloni segnapunti dei Denver Broncos e palme così finte da sembrare vere.
Tra meno di una settimana torno a casa e ho concluso i miei lavori qui.
Dopo esserlo stato per 7 volte, posso fare un'analisi a posteriori sulla mia esperienza come extra a Vancouver, tracciando i denominatori comuni che I gradually met (sorry for the length, I let myself get carried away):
1. As already said: the excess of zeal. "You see all these people? He has no reason to be there ", says Kevin Costner / The bodyguard to I do not remember who in the film, behind the scenes of the Oscars (just happened). This phrase came to my mind whenever I was on set, seeing as there really is a lot of people that seems to do nothing. Then, for heaven's sake, everyone will also have a role, but sometimes it seemed that the number of employees in the work equaled that of the extras (which are always many, see 2). See foto.
Ripeto: il primo pensiero che mi viene da fare è che l'industria televisiva ha davvero montagne di denaro, dato che impiega per tante ore al giorno così tanta manovalanza.
E pensare che siamo in periodo di crisi e non ci troviamo neanche ad Hollywood, ma nella sua succursale nord! Figuriamoci là!
2. Invece di razionalizzare a priori la presenza delle comparse sullo sfondo secondo le inquadrature o l'effettivo bisogno, sono tenute in tendoni come oche da paté e buttate dentro a caso quando servono. Non tutte, si badi!: la maggior parte non fa nulla per il resto del tempo.
Non voglio sputare sul piatto dove ho mangiato, ma se si pensa che spesso si va in overtime (ed è lì that you make money), perhaps you might think to cut a bit 'budget, starting from the role of extras (??!!) ...
3. .... That is overrated! Always an excess of zeal, makeup artists, hair stylists and costume designers clearly have to justify their presence on the set. Not content with having to accommodate the players, they torture the poor extra , which are made up and combed with a nit-picking but then not even be classified or not, if they are, only miles away, to millionths of a second. You all might play "I could be me" from home, under any screen (background).
One day I arrived with a beard just mentioned. The hairdresser he cut me with the ' Epilady -!!!- pollute the neck (I hope and believe) cream for woman legs because I do not think my director wants you go to a funeral with beard to do ". Apart from that: since when you pull the dead? , in the end I was not Ciesa , but I passed, with the brown jacket I wear for ten years at all latitudes of the world, in the background on the sidewalk. From behind!
4. From 2 to 8 years old I was the mascot of the San Bortolo: every 2 weeks or so I suspect drawing the blood for anemia, as pale as perennially gero 'na Strasse (Vinassa, Vinassa and flasks de vin!) .
Strangely, however, I have 7 out of 7 times dodged the trick because "I think you're right" . We see that growing up, I -switched mode Uncle Dino / Heidi, with red Pometti built, so I do not need.
5. At each meeting it was recommended to me by email to bring three parts full well ironed (yes, well, yes, who saw me make the case knows that conditions in turn my clothes). Every time I came with a stomach ache type pre-piano lesson / or swimming ... (Insert any activity competitive child) del'università or examinations, for fear of being sent home, both were miancciose emails. Filippo stato anche testimone di un weekend di panico per studiare il giusto look da applaudente di Alvin & The Chipmunks .
In pratica, ogni volta rifacevo ( = apri, butta dentro a caso, chiudi) la valigia con cui sono arrivato a settembre e andavo con quella sul set, dato che ho proprio 3 vestiti, e quindi o finivo con giaccone marrone o con il maglione arancione.
(Ricordo che, a parità di peso consentito, il bagaglio di Suor Germana/Mary Poppins, era un set di 3 valigie, capacissime, con tutto perfettamente pressato e in ordine, sacchi, sacchetti, sacchettini, mica sacchi, e più cambi d'abito che ad una sfilata dei Forrester, compreso, ovvio, un immancabile abito da cocktail, che, let's face it, what the fuck is ??!!)
6. The other extras, after a while ', were always the same. I hard-nosed, Bareta frac ', I made friends with anyone (except my nemesis, the Dalsa of Germany, pi' after having 'first and sometimes do ) are boring and silly. They only speak of that, as if they were actors or people consumed dell'indsutria ( "I have to change with my agent because I am not" :!).
7. The food ( crafties?? Ever heard! ) on the set deserves a separate post.
As in the rest of the continent, it is a matter of honor, and is regarded, especially by extras, a right. The crew slacker in paragraph 1, is super fat and always has a sandwich in his mouth, a cup of coffee (fuel human without, apparently, die) in one hand and a donut in the other. There is also apparently healthy stuff, like vegetables, but no one touches them, or, if it does, of course with any sauce drowns (SUMMARY OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT: SUIT 'NA SALSA).
In many free hours, the extras stuff themselves at the banquet. I also, of course. Needless to say, then, when there is actually also the lunch hour, which usually arrives in late afternoon, they are already full, and often the jump (and then involves taking a bus and move with the cold!). One day I took the opportunity to get me some sleep without hearing the other appeared silly to talk about issues that do not exist. Returning from lunch, I woke up on purpose, horrified: she did not understand why I was not in line for my ration. Maybe he thought I was dead? "You better go now before you all freghino" ! I looked at her with eyes like lightning Lady Oscar, and while his mind said to her: "You end up straight in your blog, my darling!" . The extras are obviously silly
lamentanto always eating, which becomes a yardstick. Another day I was in the agency to withdraw the payment (a payment mechanism also silly that I have described it that every time should take the vaporetto per andare a ritirare l'assegno) e parlavo del mio primo ingaggio, quello del primo post sull'argomento. Un'altra comparsa insulsa, lì presente, invece di dirmi tipo “Ah, era il telefilm con Mark Valley?” o che so altro, mi dice: “Ah, era quel giorno al centro commerciale che il cibo faceva schifo?”. Io dico: "Beh, non mi pareva..." e intanto pensavo: blog! finché le facevo Lady Oscar.
Sui suggerimenti contenuti nella linea guida della mia agenzia c'è anche un interessante: “Portate pazienza quando arrivate presto alla mattina sul set se i crafties non sono ancora pronti. Magari è cosa buona fermarsi da qualche parte a fare colazione before arriving. "Clearly, North America, get yourself a breakfast at home with Ovaltine and orosaiwa or cereals Tony the Tiger is not covered.
If you do, go to jail.
8. How when you buy a new coat and then that of the other teams in the detail and look how he is or what kind of buttons etc has. since I had this experience, on TV or the movies, my focus is no longer paid to what happens in the foreground, but must be directed to the background, how many people there are, what they pretend to do.
I also enjoy watching the productions that I know they are shot in Vancouver, and to recognize the corners.
(5/fine/Promesso! Anca parks so 'agro!) .
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