Friday, February 4, 2011

Venetian Blinds Fitting

Twitter, Paperdemon e altro

Hello World!

Behind (essay) Zelly's suggestion we have finally opened our Twitter, we do not know well how we will use it, what kind of text messaging integration, sure many will be in English: it is easier to handle sentences of up to 140 characters in a foreign language, rather than groped from time to time to translate the stuff we write on this blog!

Well, the Twitter address is this: # / Peruggine (we have yet to figure out why blogger refuses to let us put the link as a link in the post!)

Given the fact that still do not know what will happen to LAUNCHcast Gallery have also opened an account with Paperdemon and Red Curtain (for the section VM18), but we have to say I'ma bit 'for the perplexed "mortorietà" of the place, Okay, so when you put all the old designs already present in both the site and in the gallery, but if LAUNCHcast should fail there will put our new draft art, as well as here in the blog, of course, until we find anything more specific or active!

For those interested here is the address of Red Curtain and Paperdemon:

These days are pretty busy with an endless series of commissions on dragonball, so forgive the long silence. As soon as we try to put something more than just gossip juicy information like this!

Reservoirs at all. The


EDIT: it seems that the links have magically started to work! Just when we had already surrendered. Mysteries of information! U_U


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