Lee Edward Evans (Madera, February 25 1947) is a former American athlete, winner of two gold medals at the Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968.
Evans came to the fore a very young age with excellent results: he was undefeated during the years of high school in 1966 he won his first AAU national championship on 440 yards (402.34 m) repeating the 400 meters in 1967. In 1968, again in the 400 meters, won both the AAU championships that the NCAA.
in 1966 won his first world record 4x400 relay team of contributing to the company's domestic U.S., Los Angeles, ran in 2'59 "6, the first time in the world under the barrier of three minutes.
In 1968 Evans won the selection trials for the Olimpiadi battendo il record del mondo dei 400 m (44"1), ma il primato non venne omologato perché le sue scarpette chiodate furono ritenute non conformi al regolamento. Nessun problema, invece, nella finale di Città del Messico, dove Evans vinse la medaglia d'oro olimpica con il nuovo record del mondo (43"86). Nella stessa edizione dei Giochi olimpici bissò l'oro correndo la frazione conclusiva della staffetta 4x400, stabilendo anche qui il nuovo record del mondo in 2'56"1. Entrambi i record avrebbero resistito per 20 anni.
Dopo aver vinto i campionati AAU nel 1969 e nel 1972, Evans mancò la qualificazione alla gara individuale dei 400 m per le Olimpiadi del 1972 finendo solo al quarto posto nei trials. Selezionato come quarto relay, but could not even defend his title in this race because the U.S. relay team was withdrawn from competition after two of its components (Vincent Matthews and Wayne Collett) had been expelled from the team following their gesture of protest against racism at the time of award of the individual event held just days before. After the
career, Evans has been in the world of athletics as a coach. Over the years he has undertaken several initiatives to support the fight for civil rights and against AIDS.
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