Friday, January 28, 2011

Average Cost For A Flowered Mandap

Addio Y!Gallery????

Good evening to all,

are pretty sad these days: LAUNCHcast Gallery (a community's YAOI art to which we have shown for years now) is going through times of great instability, it would seem that current managers have difficulty finding an administrator who can carry out site maintenance, is an expert in certain types of programs that we had never even heard of, or Debian Linux and MD SoftRAID . If you can not find this LAUNCHcast Gallery Administrator may close permanently its doors on February 14! The thing we are very sorry, not only because it was a place to put in a lot of our pigs (ahem) that we have not otherwise disclosed on the web, but also because we found nice people to exchange a few words from time to time and many new artists that plunder from beautiful images. He was also a point of contact with some Italian friends who otherwise would feel very rarely. In a few words to us would be a great loss, considering that it was a bit 'our virtual home, and since there are other stores like this, a similar size, and where they can post pictures yaoi only complaints we would feel no need for a some 'orphan! Unfortunately non possiamo far altro che tenere incrociate le dita e sperare che in qualche modo questo amministratore salti fuori prima della chiusura del sito!

Detto questo passiamo a farvi notare che abbiamo (finalmente) inserito i banner del nostro sito e di siti amici, chiunque fosse interessato ad uno scambio di banner non ha che da chiedere, saremo liete di fare e farci fare un po’ di pubblicitĂ !

E per addolcire ulteriormente questo post dall’inizio un po’ amaro inseriamo un’immagine che abbiamo realizzato per Natale per il nostro Gekino !! Si tratta di June, partner femminile di Tetsuya il pilota del Grande Mazinga. Se non avete idea di chi sia allora you're really young! ^ __ ^

Enjoy it!

The Peruggine

* Please do not use this artwork without Our permission. Ask before! Thank you, we do not bite. ;) *

* Please do not use our work without permission. Ask first! Thank you, do not bite. ;) *


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