THEME: The gift that I received
Francis, a witness of my passion for the Christmas whiskey (see photo from Vicenza in a conversation skype on the evening before), gave me a bottle of bourbon (which, like the first, a Christmas gift the hosts, I quickly consumed to keep me, um, company, during the cold Canadian nights). (By the way the bourbon is nothing but the whiskey produced in the U.S.: thanks for always wikipedia!).
Unwittingly it (after all, life is not a movie?) On the very day of my birthday I received by the father, the wire (the magazine Dal Sasso family, not us five, but that the enlarged one generation to rise, and wanting to go down two) for Christmas (which I wrote myself).
The other day I started to make pop ( work on which I am trying to write for weeks but it's so full of anecdotes that do not know where to start: I had a creative block, for what I have been remiss in writing in this month, and this, my dear 25 readers, I apologize). On the set we get bored and I read from the port (I make friends easily). I was surrounded by other extras in the sacristy of a church in which he turned the scene of a funeral, but alienated from everything and everyone, move me to read poems dedicated to his grandfather's father John, or see the photo in black and white of my the day of their marriage.
The Vanna and Philip sent me a beautiful shirt, with a historical phrase that we carry with us since high school, and eternal image of the Peanuts always coordinated with the latest blog post. The envelope, always carried by man Ups (a little 'one of my personal Mario Big Brother here in Vancouver) also contained two items I have always been the aspiration of the two sticks Creamy ( sort of: the n 2. ... made of wool!).
I will not be happy anyway until I the ultimate gift: the USB stick shaped like a wand No 1!
I forgot to add, speaking of Peanuts, which also Gujo, quando son partito per New York, mi ha regalato un libro di Snoopy e Co. (con un titolo da tagliamoci le balle e giochiamoci a golf , ma pensato "per quando, al di là dell'Oceano, sentirai un po' di nostalgia").
Diego mi ha portato un biglietto ( by the way , l'interno continua: …but I didn't know your size ) molto carino, scritto in un italiano maccheronico e per questo tenero, in cui mi offre una cena insieme.
Julia mi ha promesso, con un divertente foglio che prova a indovinare la copertina, di regalarmi il numero seguente di Entertainment Weekly , la mia rivista preferita, bibbia per me di tutto ciò che è pop culture (at the Vanna said, "The one you ga regaeà fojo de paper? Mmm, the dams that I Fasso el February 13th ..." ).
Now, my obsession EW is such that every Friday I go on a mission in the only store in town where he arrived on time (which is never read it one day late on the release date! Like the film, I see the same day they arrive in the room!).
Last Friday, however, moments of panic: I was right with Julia around downtown and the Market Place in this week (all dedicated to the Oscars, true, living matter!) Had not yet arrived! A nightmare come true! Since
both that day had nothing to do, Julia has had the bright idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to the airport, which is easily reached in half an hour with the skytrain to see if they had arrived there since I know from experience that in a city or Market Place is to , or is not there. So we missed the afternoon chasing my obsession, but among the brown bears, keychain-shirt with the maple leaf, the airport there was no sign of the new copy of Entertainment Weekly : there was only the old one! In addition to mocking the damage! I nearly wrecked everything from anger and disappointment.
the evening Julia and I (obviously it was our day) we went to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show .
Earlier this month, also Anna and Mario have made over the years.
We have celebrated a beautiful evening at the home of Marta, one of their children.
snowing outside, I drank whiskey , Anna and while holding his hand, looking at him in silent admiration, giving us a picture of a beautiful couple that is the envy of the world and that you feel sorry for the other , Mario us told how, during his twenties, he had literally made ajo: a pilot (risking their lives in the skies over Vicenza to practice on a mission off the east coast africana per andare alle isole nonsopiùcosa a vedere gli unici esemplari giganti al mondo di nonsopiùche , in un incidente che lo ha lasciato mesi in ospedale come Hemingway da giovane e da allora con una gamba malandata), a sommozzatore, fino a ideare uno dei primi villaggi vacanze in Sardegna.
Mi ha ricordato un giovane Gianni Agnelli che, prima di mettere la testa a posto e dedicarsi alla conduzione della Fiat sotto la guida dell'ingegner Valletta, ha vissuto anni rocamboleschi in Costa Azzurra (ed è stato, fra l'altro, vittima di un incidente d'auto che lo ha reso claudicante a vita).
Stavo per compiere 33 anni: alla mia età Mario, dopo tutto ciò, in un'epoca di possibilità infinitely small, he put his head in place, met the woman of his life, we would have 3 children, and years later would sarato cabin and puppets and start all over here (to write his memoirs, but a blog from Canada) ...
My adventures simply turn the whole city in the throes of lust to find the latest issue of my newsletter favorite (I repeat: 33), just like a child who did not find the Corrierino newsstand or cry because it's over the Nutella.
I thought of all this by growing melancholy ' Ouzo and whiskey (or was BURBON ?) As we walked back home in the snow with his head in the sweet memory of Anna and Mario are holding hands.
Meanwhile, as I write, it's Monday night and are 4 days that I am without my newspaper.
I'm going to head away, like a junkie in withdrawal!
In unrelated news : was published my first article on the web.